The Long Haul 2016

Anthony · January 25, 2016

Welcome to The Long Haul 2016!  This is a free course that requires enrollment to ensure your privacy and security.  Register now and join us on our year long journey!

Lets face it – New Year’s resolutions are usually laid by the wayside by the third week in January (or the third trip to the gym). The Long Haul is a roadmap of the coming year that uses the ancient Wheel of the Year as a reference and guide to align yourself with the energy of the seasons and apply those energies to manifest success in business, relationships, and personal goals (weight loss, personal empowerment, etc)

It is often said that success comes from within. Not only do I agree, but I equally  believe that limitations also come from within. To believe that your station in life is preventing you from attaining the level of happiness and success you desire is an acceptance of limitations that others have placed upon you.

If we accept those limitations, then we are denying our responsibility and opportunity to reach our true potential. The refusal to accept others’ limitations immediately opens us up to the courage and commitment that will be necessary to break through barriers.  Next thing you know, the sky is the limit!

This course will help you stay committed to whatever life journey you choose using a few simple tools that are available to us at no cost.  First would be this simple definition of Quantum Physics:  “Subatomic particles will respond to the way they are perceived“.  Don’t believe me?  How many times have you heard of someone losing a spouse and then shortly following them into death because “they just couldn’t bear to live without them”?  Conversely, there are others who have defied not only their medical prognoses because their “will to live” miraculously kept them alive against all possible odds.

Developing the ability to create from within, which ultimately reflects outwardly and eventually becomes a manifest reality in our waking lives is your first tool.  In the early seasons, I will guide you in methods of meditation and creative visualization that will enable you to find where you’re out of balance with the energy around you.  That way, you can create a perfectly balanced inner landscape where you will be able to re-write the next chapter of your own life story.

The next step would be to access and utilize the inherent elemental energies that surround us each and every day, and change with each season of our year.  This idea is nothing new – its been used successfully for centuries.  Following is a description of what lies ahead of you during the course of one calendar year:

Each year is divided into eight seasons: the four seasons that we’re all familiar with as well as what are known as “cross-quarters”.  Solstices, equinoxes and seasonal midways called cross quarters were vital to ancient people for regulating their calendars and knowing when to plant, when to harvest, when to stay, when to move.

From the earth, the sun appears to cycle each year past the same, twinkling stars of the Zodiac. Equinoxes and solstices are separated by precise 90 degree angles according to astronomical convention. The cross quarters exactly bisect these and served as Celtic boundaries for each of the four seasons. The Celts named the cross quarters Beltaine, Lughnasad, Samain and Imbolc.


IMBOLC – Feb. 2 – Imbolc represents the first stirring of life in the seeds that have been frozen underground since Autumn. They haven’t even broken through their shells yet, but there is unmistakable life just waiting to burst out and commence their ascent to the topsoil and be nourished by the elements.  This is the perfect season to commit to cultivating your goals throughout the coming year and ensure that you will enjoy a bountiful harvest.

OSTARA – March 21 – Also known as The Vernal Equinox, Ostara celebrates the new seedlings breaking their way through he surface of the earth and lifting themselves to be nourished by the Sun. The plans, goals, etc. that we enlivened during Imbolc are now ready to be cared for, protected and nurtured until they bring you reward.

BELTANE – May 1 – Beltane is the beginning of the growing season. By now, you should see some evidence that your plans, goals and projects have taken root and are beginning to flourish. It is a time to celebrate the stability of your new “crop”, and also a time to re-assess your strategy and commitment to bring things to fruition. Do what you can to strengthen your seedlings – stake them if they’re weak, feed them to make them as strong and quick growing as possible.

LITHA – June 21 – also known as the Summer Solstice. This is the height of Summer, and also an acknowledgment that from now on, the days are getting shorter as the Winter season approaches. Now is the time to weed your figurative garden, remove other crops that might be infringing on their growth or strength. It is a season of purging any and all potential adversary to your success, so roll up your sleeves and get to work!

LUGHNASADH – Aug 1 – This season is also known as “The First Harvest”. in agrarian societies, this was the time to gather flowers, herbs, fruits and medicinal plants and hang them to dry so you may use them during the approaching Winter. In the context of The Long Haul, it represents a time where you will be seeing the initial rewards of the care and effort you’ve put into cultivating your wishes to full manifestation.

MABON – Sept 21 – Also known as “The Second Harvest”, Mabon was a time when root vegetables, nuts and gourds were gathered to be preserved as food for the Winter. We still celebrate it in the United States as Thanksgiving. At this time on your journey, you will be seeing more robust and substantial results from your efforts this far. It is also a time to share your bounty with those that are less fortunate, knowing that your kindness and generosity will be returned to you threefold.

SAMHAIN – OCT 31 – Samhain (pronounced “sow-en”, the ‘ow’ sounding as they do in the word ‘cow’) is also known as The Final Harvest. It is a very solemn season that focuses on the reverence of life. At this time, farmers would separate their breeding stock from the rest of the herd, and slaughter the remaining farm animals to be smoked and dried to sustain life during the winter. In the context of The Long Haul, it is time to retire your project and reap the rewards that your toil has provided. It is also a time to batten down the hatches and get ready for the coming year, which brings new promise and new goals to be accomplished. The perfect time to plan goals for the coming year and to attend to anything that may have been neglected while you have been working so hard the past several months. It is also a time to commune with those who have gone before, and show them respect and love (and yes, there is a LOT of material about that in this lesson)

YULE – Dec 21 – also known as The Winter Solstice, Yule represents the promise of continued life as we acknowledge the return of the Sun. It is a time of joy, celebration and light, for the light and warmth that have been so helpful in accomplishing our goals is returning. During this Season of Light, it is most advantageous to take a long, hard look and clearly see the new goals you’ll have to set for the coming year. It is also a time of enlightenment, so it is a time to focus on learning whatever you must to ensure that you’ll be successful in building upon your accomplishments this coming year.

MEeduSo now its  up to you!  Click “Take This Course” on the upper right of this screen, and lets just get this party started! See you at the starting gate!


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